Thursday 23 July 2009

tummy rampage...

the stomach has pretty much started its own version of the french revolution yet again. thankfully managed to keep it all in without making a fugly mess when out with the parents and godsiblings for dinner. unfortunately, it just decided to make a dormant retreat for all of a stinking day.

it is pretty much back to the norm of everything that goes in will end up out, be it up and down. unexpectedly got pretty bad to the point it was like the first few days where the fingers and legs just degraded into a bowl of jello that typing a text takes too many minutes to count and pressing on the keys just takes too much strength. well, good thing out of it all, is that the gastrointestinal system is getting a major free overhaul with the cleansing session from the impromptu detoxification, though do not really fancy turning into a sickly shade of green.

never thought there would be a day where would say that the smell of food is revolting, literally. moreover ain't funny that no brainer boyfriends, or pea brainers to give them the benefit of the doubt, can actually shoot the all time insipidly stupid question if am preggers with the display of "pregger" symptoms. oh well, the tummy rampage is still ongoing, although seriously, parking in the bathroom ain't quite exactly my idea of fun, even if there is a tremendous love for holing up in my own cubbyhole.


Anonymous said...


I've got a door hosting job, msg me for details if you're interested!

alphonseR said...

hey girl, take care yo? seems like you are either sick or hurt in some way... accident prone... anyway, take care:)

the little boy said...

hi dear...
will do... it's just one of those crappy periods probably on prolonged timing for abit... thanks lots though... really appreciate the care and thought... -hug-
