Thursday 8 May 2008

it is not your day...

You know it is not your day... when you try to be helpful with the japanese classmate, only to end up with a sore throat, a roaring headache at the end of the tutoring session, and an accent ala japanese with anatomical body parts.

You know it is not your day... when you are tutoring the classmate in something that should only take twenty minutes tops, and end up being held back three times the time that was estimated.

You know it is not your day... when your hands are digging at a dead body's organs, pulling the intestines up and down like a tailor measuring cloth, and the parts you want to find still remain a hidden mystery to you.

You know it is not your day... when your hands still smell like the decayed and still decaying cadaever and rubber gloves even after washing and scrubbing up with scented soap.

You know it is not your day... when helpfulness causes you to end up being caught in the rain, causing your papers and textbook to end up looking like pathetic pickled lettuce leaves. Do not get me wrong, absolutely love the rain and walking in it, just not my notes and books.

You know it is not your day... when you love the rain, but end up nearly being the human humpty dumpty playing rolypoly down the stairs down from school due to it, even though you are wearing your favourite grunge rubber soled skateboard pet pair of shoes.

You know it is not your day... when the day's weather is reflective of your mood.

You know it is not your day... when aside from getting caught in the rain, you are caught in a jam that is longer than the twilight express train, and it would probably have been a hell lot faster to actually walk back.

You know it is not your day... when you are on the way back in a tram that is worse than a sardine can, and you are thrown around like pizza dough, and you end up being shoved into a corner, hitting the tram handle bars.

You know it is not your day... when you get some inconsiderate idiot's gum stuck on your jacket sleeve, causing a huge moment of embarrassment when you get stuck and have half a dozen pairs of eyes staring at you, and quite nearly miss your stop.

You know it is not your day... when that lousy chunk of gum in some hidden crevice of the handle bars, which was buried by a stupid unthoughtful uncivilized moron, leaves you a couple of big fat sticky patches on your favourite jacket sleeve, and a mastodonic headache with wondering how to fix that tacky mess.

On a side note, ten thousand curses on that insipid barbaric thoughtless galoot who left me in quite a fix. May his or her mouth get stuck and teeth fall out from gum overload, and suffer from jaw lock and painful sores from excessive chewing and biting the sides of his or her mouth. May ulcers mushroom like an epidemic plague in his or her mouth, and may he or she lose all muscular control and have his or her mandible drop with earth's natural gravitational pull to the ground. May his or her mouth get cold sores and cracked lips so much so even the thought of kissing becomes unpalatably unthinkable. And that, is just the beginning of this dodo's wrath...

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